New to RLBC?
Well, you’ve come to the right place. If the information provided below doesn’t answer one of your questions, please feel free to contact the church office.
Pastor Steve Schmuck preaches from the word of God, the King James Bible. He understands the importance of rightly dividing the word of truth and believes that this is key to understanding what God expects from Christians today. Often Pastor expounds the scripture verse by verse providing both milk and meat for the listener. He also is unashamed to deliver messages on the importance of personal salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ, proclaiming the reality of both Heaven and Hell. At the close of each service an invitation to receive Christ is extended to all.
The goal of the music ministry at RLBC is not to entertain the listener but to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ alone. We prefer the old hymns that are loaded with Bible truths as well as conservative special music from a variety of groups including a choir, an a capella ladies’ group, and others.
Here at Red Lion Bible Church we do our best to provide an environment that allows you to focus on the Lord. This includes:
A clean nursery and a caring staff for newborns - 2 years old and an exciting toddler nursery for ages 2 - 4 years old.
Sunday School Classrooms for grades K-12. If you need help locating your classroom, one of our friendly Greeters will be happy to assist.
Need a ride to church? For 50 years our bus ministry has been bringing folks in from all over the area. Just give us a call.