to Feb 22

Teens for Christ Summer Camp Registration Due

  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s time for the Teens for Christ (7th-12th) to register for Servant’s Heart Camp. We will be taking the teens during the week of July 14-19. There is a $25.00 registration fee that needs to be paid by the parent and sent with the registration form before March 2. Log in at shcm.org/summer-camp-teens. Click on the teen camp 2 “Register Now” tab. Please let Pastor Taylor know when your registration is completed.

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11:30 AM11:30

Crusader's Summer Camp Registration - Servant's Heart Camp

It’s time for the Crusaders to register for summer camp at Servant’s Heart Camp. We will be taking the children up to camp during the week of June 23-27th. There is a $25.00 registration fee that needs to be paid by the parent and sent with the registration from before January 25th. Log in at shcm.org/events/summer-camp. Click the “Register” tab to register and pay online. Please let Michael Runk know when your registration is completed.

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7:00 AM07:00

Senior Saints - Flight 93 Memorial

The cost is $46 per person. You will be responsible to pay for your own meal which will be at Hoss’s. You will also need to bring a bagged breakfast to eat on the bus. There is a signup sheet on the back table. Signup and payment due July 31. Please see Mark or Kristen Frigm if you have any questions.

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2:00 PM14:00

Mother's Day Banquet

It will be held at the Frigms’ Barn. Due to limited parking, please park at the church. A bus will be picking people up at 1:00, 1:20, 1:40 and will transport them to the Frigms. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early church for loading time. If you are unable to get on a bus, there will be parking for you at the Frigms.

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